How to connect PostgreSQL with PHP? PostgreSQL and PHP

06 February 2023 631 Reading time: 1 minute

PostgreSQL, strong It is considered a database management system and PHP is a popular web programming language. The interaction of these two technologies with each other allows you to create advanced and secure web applications.

A few things you can use in PHP to connect to a PostgreSQL database; There are ways, but the most common is to use PDO (PHP Data Objects) and PGOBJECT (PostgreSQL database interface).


PDO is a database interface in PHP that allows you to connect to multiple database types. The following code block shows how you can connect to a PostgreSQL database using PDO:

$dsn = 'pgsql:host=localhost;dbname=db_name';
$username = 'db_user';
$password = 'db_password';

try {
     $db = new PDO($dsn, $username, $password);
} catch (PDOException $e) {
     echo 'Connection error: '39; . $e->getMessage();

PGOBJECT: PGOBJECT was designed specifically for the PostgreSQL database and aims to better support the functions and features of the database. The following code block shows how you can connect to a PostgreSQL database using PGOBJECT:

$db = pg_connect("host=localhost dbname=db_name user=db_user password=db_password");
if (!$db) {
     echo "Connection error.";

Both these methods allow you to connect to a PostgreSQL database and read and write data in the database. However, PDO offers a higher level of security and the ability to connect to multiple database types, so your choice should be PDO.

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